Redexim Verti-Quake 2516 & 2521



The Verti-Quake® de-compacts the soil profile with powered offset blades. The blades rotary action, combined with the forward speed created a wave motion to move the ground laterally and de-compact consistently from the top of the soil to full working depth with little playing surface disruption.

Suitable for range of soil types
Quick and effective areation
Well suited to poorer soils
For deeper areation see Verti-Drain

Linear Aeration uses discs or knives to make aeration slits into the soil in a continuous line, creating drainage channels and allowing air into the turf surfaces. The powered blades of the Verti-Quake de-compact the soil laterally thus creating space for air and water within the soil profile and encouraging root growth. This fast and effective method of aeration has found favor on many surface types.

